So the bracelet thing didn't go too well, I mean I made them fine and they turned out nice and everything, I just couldn't be bothered to make anymore after I made a really cute one I liked and then lost it. I think it's under my bed but its so much effort looking for it. I've ordered some wool ready for when the winter comes, I refuse to pay £40 on a nice knitted hat when I can probably make something very similar in a couple of days.
My hair is now red, I like it a lot. I missed having nice hair, it's weird how different you feel, I miss doing crazy eyeshadow things too, but there's no point going to that much effort for work when it'll be too much and I really don't feel like doing anything special on my days off, like most the time I don't even get dressed, whats the point?
There's not an awful lot to say about the cats, except that they've carried on doing what they do and I've not had any more scares from BC. I don't even really have any pictures of them to share either since I've been at work a lot and by the time I get home it's dark and the pictures come out awful so I don't bother.
I was in town the other day and there was a cute little man outside on a cart selling bonsai trees and I just had to get one, I'm not completely sure what kind it was since I forgot what he said but it's a Cyprus something, I really like the random mossy/pebbly/rock decor kinda thing it has going, it's cute.
I've got a couple of cute jumpers on the way which I'm mega excited for. I also have a new found love for Chris (Simpson's artist), his art style is hilarious and I bought one of his shirts. Oh and I got my provisional licence so I'm finally learning to drive, I have my first lesson on Tuesday, I'm still not really sure what to think of it though.
Umm yeah, I think that's about it, I'm gonna try to update this more often, but I'm not sure if that will happen, we'll see.