Blackcat is home! He's already gone back to his baby-like ways and suckling on my dressing gown. He's on 3 different kinds of medication and then there is a 'just in case' one. He's peed since his been home which is good, and the other cats have accepted him back in very well, there hasn't been any hissing or violence which I'm really pleased about.
The other night I caught James ripping the wallpaper off, I looked at him and he stopped and looked away, what a naughty boy! Jessie seems to have taken a liking to my gameboy bag and cuddles it at every given chance, not just when it's on the radiator bed.
Whenever I take photos of them I try to get them all equally so they don't feel I favour anyone, but that's hard when certain cats absolutely love having their picture taken! Orangecat tends to look away when I point a camera in his face, whether it be a phone or an actual camera, this one was brilliant though, not noticing Jessie was in the background ready to pounce until I'd taken it and she came darting across the bed onto his head.

Jessie seems to love having her paws in anything, shoes, the bed, bags, absolutely anything, I don't really know why, but no matter the reason it's still incredibly cute. Jessie and James run around like crazy when my mum is trying to do the washing, she empties the laundry basket and they just run all in the clothes and up the basket and everywhere, they tend to knock it over and when they do, Orangecat seeks refuge in there. I'd imagine it's been hard for him trying to keep them under control while Blackcat has been away, I bet he's glad Blackcat is home to take some of the responsibility.

Not that the little diva will, look at him all like "Aww look at my poorly arm, I've got a bandage, do things for me." He made me carry him down the stairs! He wants to go outside so bad but he's not allowed until we're all certain his toilet trips are normal. We had a nap earlier though, it was nice, apart from his rather strong urine scent, though I suppose I'd rather him be smelly and well than to smell nice and be unwell still, the vet took some photos of him and asked if he could put them on his website which I thought was pretty cool.
All of my wonderful game boy things arrived! I started playing pokemon silver after changing the internal battery because it didn't work at all, really easy to do, minus getting the actual battery out without putting a hole in your finger with the screwdriver, I managed it though! Then gold arrived, it worked, but I changed the battery anyway since it's for my boyfriend and I'd hate for anyone to get half way through the game and the battery to die and to have to start again, worst nightmare. I think I'm going to replace the battery in red and blue too, just in case, it doesn't take long at all and I'm not sure I can deal with hours of game play lost when it could have been prevented. I ordered a game boy printer too, so cool! I didn't realise the paper was a sticker too! And the cable is a link cable so I can trade, how cool is that?! Only one problem with it, it said it came with batteries, which it does, but they don't work! So I need to go get more which is a bit of a pain, the plan is to complete the pokedex, and do a print out for every pokemon, and my hall of fame, and my diploma and frame it, and forever have those awesome memories!

It was my boyfriend's birthday yesterday, I made him these cupcakes today for when he comes home from uni tonight, he's a huge batman fan and he doesn't stop eating, so what better present is there?! I'm really happy with how these came out, I mean they're not like "oh my god super amazing" but you can tell who is who, and they're only going to get inhaled anyway so what difference does it make? :D