Saturday, 11 February 2012

New food!

It snowed again! I bloody hate the snow. The cats all wanted to go and play in it again but I didn't want them getting cold. I sorted out the cupboard I keep their food in and took all of Blackcat's special food out of the big box it came in and they've all just been playing in it. I can't bring myself to throw it out so it's just laying around on the floor getting in the way, but they love it so it's alright. 

I like how Blackcat kinda looks like he has a duckface or something, he's such a tart. Orangecat doesn't seem bothered by it, he just wants some peace and quiet. That's pretty much all I have to say about the cats this week, I've been at work for what seems like forever, this week has been so busy so I haven't had time to spend time with them like I normally do. The vet rang this morning and said I needed to go pick up some more pills for Blackcat for the next week so he's not going straight off them, and the other cats finished their old food, they're now on Trovet urinary struvite or something, I don't really know but there isn't much price difference between that and the royal canin they were on, and this should help prevent them from getting crystals and other bad bladder stuff like Blackcat had. 

I've had like no time to play pokemon this week either, which is a shame, I feel like I can't really get back into it either now, oh well, maybe I'll get the feel for it again once my boyfriend stops playing metal gear and goes back to pokemon so I have some competition. Oh and I've now realised I like coffee! Yesterday at work was such a hard day so I just manned up and made one after being pretty sure I didn't like it, it was actually pretty nice! Was still really sleepy though, hopefully this week will be a little easier. 

As I was writing this the cats managed to get and eat a doughnut, they're so naughty.

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