I've spent most of the past week watching Sailor Moon, it's much better than I remember it as a kid, perhaps because it's not the awful English dub. I really don't think an awful lot has happened in the last week, I've managed to get through 143 episodes of Sailor Moon so far, think I'll try and get SuperS finished today then it'll just be stars and the last 35ish episodes during the next week when I'm back at work, I have loads of other stuff to watch too which I'm excited about.

I haven't played any Skyward Sword at all, I'd just entered the fire/earth temple when I last played but I don't know, it just doesn't really feel right, Ocarina of Time 3DS is on sale this week so I think I'll get that, I found out today about the 30p Wii U VC titles over the next 6 months too which is really cool, I downloaded balloon fight earlier today and I think next Thursday it ends so another will start at 30p and I'll get that too since I have money on my Wii U eShop which is like useless since there's nothing decent out on the eShop that I want and I cant transfer the money onto my 3DS which makes me a bit mad really but whatever.

I spent the start of the week feeling sorry for myself in bed, I just had a cold but felt awful and since I'm never ill, the times I do get ill I make a huge fuss about it. All the stuff for my hair came, except the extensions were really thin, it said full head but there was only enough to do like half of it, I don't have particularly thick hair so that upset me a bit, but that's getting sorted. I also don't like the clips, I feel they re too big and poke out so I think ill be cutting them off and gluing the hair in since I can't really be bothered to spend 10 minutes clipping in extensions. I ended up doing it pink, and the extensions have turquoise ends, like I wanted, I really like it! I also decided to stretch my ears again, neither of them closed up much last time so I can't wear normal earrings and a plug looks better than a bumhole ear so yeah.

The cats haven't done much this week either, it's been lazy for all of us, I ordered Jessie, James and Orangecat some more food and decided to try something else. They were having Trovet Feline Urinary Struvite since I was scared of the same thing that happened to Blackcat happening to them, but i don't like way it smells, the Royal Canin Fit 32 they were on before smelt like I would want to eat it and they seemed to enjoy it more too. They've now got Royal Canin Sterilised Appetite Control which has stuff in for a healthy urinary tract too so it's got that good wee stuff for them, appetite control to stop Orangecat getting any fatter, and to stop James following in his footsteps, and it smells good! I initially had problems though as they sent me the 12+ food, and since the oldest are only 3 and a half i didn't want to give them it so i rang the company and they were really good. They said to donate the food they'd sent and they'd send the right food straight away, which they did! Both times came with these 100% chicken heart shaped treats, i didn't expect them with the second order, but I'm glad they were sent too since Orangecat got into the last bag and ate them all.

The other night Jessie and James had a huge fight, like there was hissing and spitting and screaming, I tried distracting them with treats, clapping, calling their names and nothing would stop them. Orangecat came to save the day though, he slapped James and they both stopped, it was rather amusing. They're now friends again and all is well, which is great since Jess was being chased by the big black stray again and James looked after her until I could shoo the other cat away so they could make it inside safely.

My phone case came! It's so cute! I think I've found my love for hello kitty again, I don't know where it even went, it's not like I disliked anything sanrio for a while, I just didn't feel as great about it as i used to, or as i do again now. There are so many plushies and nice things I want, I plan on going to the MCM expo in October and get nice plushies and other cool stuff from there too, I've never been before so I'm really excited! I've always wanted to cosplay but I don't think I'm confident enough for it so I'm really excited to see lots of cosplayers there, It's like 8 months away since the May one is a bit soon but I can be excited this early right?