Saturday, 5 January 2013

Let's try this again..

Ok, so, blogging is all well and good if you can keep in the habit of it, apparently I can't and it's really annoying, I either go to post something and just completely forget what's happened recently, or I just forget it even exists. Loads of stuff has happened since September, which is apparently when I last blogged. That blog was about my fancy keyboard and mouse, the mouse has been spectacular, the keyboard however, not so much, now back with my cheapy tesco one and i could not be happier, It doesnt disconnect in the middle of fighting groups of monsters on World of Warcraft, It doesn't disconnect in the middle of writing messages, and it doesn't carry on typing the last letter i pressed before it cuts out so all is good. 

I bought a new guitar, I don't really play much and i'm still awful, but that other guitar I got was complete and utter shit, it wouldnt stay in tune or anything so yeah, I got myself a nice Orange Ibanez and playing is far more fun, probably just because I like the colour. Not long after my last post I started learning to drive, it's been going alright and i've booked my theory test so that's cool. I've got a pringles tin for all my change which will go towards a car when there's more than a couple of quid in there, i want that to be orange too, but i don't think that will happen. 

This bag is fantastic, it's supposed to be a fox, but it looks more like an owl to me and everyone that has seen it, but i love it so much, it's so cute and gahhh i just want to squish it. Loads of stuff has come in the post recently, i think i've been being a little too kind to myself, but if i'm not, who else will be nice to me? Got some white DM's coming, but most exciting of all i bought myself a Wii U just after launch, Nintendoland is fantastic, the whole mii dressing up thing is so cute and the textile theme is adorable. ZombiU is terrifying and i'm not sure how much of that i'll play, i find it so hard too with the whole not being able to do anything while looking in your bag but whatever. I'm really excited to see what other games will be coming out for it, i've had this genius idea of Pokemon snap 2, where you would use the gamepad as a camera and have to move it around like you do on nintendoland to look around and it would just be amazing, like actually the best game to exist ever. New zelda will be interesting from what i've read, but i've also read itll have the same graphics as skyward sword? I haven't played it yet, but it arrived today so i will do shortly but like, why would you not give it better graphics? The Wii U is supposed to be HD surely the least you can do is give us HD Zelda for goodness sake. 

Onto cats, there's not much to say, they've all been well, all been their naughty selves, they dont like the sprays i got them, but then i didnt really expect them to enjoy getting sprayed, but i enjoy their new smells, though anything is better than jessie's farts. I think that's about all I have to say for now, hopefully i'll remember what i've done and remember to write stuff here.

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